Helping the intelligent but indigent students in Zimbabwe


Cephas G. Msipa was born in Siboza Village near Zvishavane on 7th July 1931. Educated at Dadaya Mission School. Mr. Msipa began his working career as a teacher in Zvishavane in 1950. In 1960 Mr. Msipa married Charlotte Masuku who was also a school teacher from Lower Gweru. In 1959 Mr. Msipa and his family moved to Harare where he was appointed Headmaster of Shingirayi School in Mbare. By 1961 Cephas Msipa had become actively involved in politics. In 1965 he was detained by the Rhodesian government for his political activities and he remained incarcerated in Gweru Prison until 1970.

Outside of politics Mr. Msipa has been involved with many charitable organisations over the years including The Red Cross and Help Age Zimbabwe of which he was a founding trustee and remains its patron today Mr. Msipa retired from public office in 2008, but remained actively engaged in his community until the time of his death in October 2016. His career began in education and was always central to his philosophy that education is the cornerstone of development. The C G Msipa Scholarship Trust is his legacy to ensure the continued development of the Midlands Province to which he dedicated his life.

"I want this Trust to assist students long after I'm gone. It is my fervent wish that the beneficiaries of the Trust will one day be able to help others in the same way that they have been assisted."

-CG Msipa


How the Trust impacted the life of different students

I was a beneficiary of the CG Msipa Scholarship Trust. In 2016 l was in my first year second semester and my parents were having trouble paying my fees. My father went to the offices in Gweru and was advised to apply. I wrote my application, submitted it and then met up with the late CG Msipa . We discussed about my academic life and the challenges that l was facing. A few days later l received a text message that l had been awarded the scholarship. The Trust covered my fees from 2016 until l finished in April 2021. Even during the Covid 19 pandemic which was challenging for everyone ,they managed to come through. I would like to thank the entire administration for giving me the opportunity to finish my bachelors degree in Dental surgery .
Dr Jossy C Shayamano
University of Zimbabwe Alumni
I am a beneficiary of C.G Msipa Scholarship Trust since 2017 when I was in Upper 6 at Dadaya High School. So I am a double orphan and I had problems with paying fees. So Mr Shumba who was the Head of Dadaya at the time noticed how my sister( who was the only breadwinner and a first born in a family of 4) was struggling to try to pay for my school fees as she would to negotiate the fees time and again every term for me and it so happened that after I wrote my “O” Level, Mr T Shumba adjured me to apply for the scholarship as I fitted the criteria and I then did as I was told. I was replied later that term that the Scholarship was now taking care of my financial aid for my studies throughout my educational career. It was such a relief to my sister who could now focus to pay for my twin sister who was also in that desperate condition
Tafara A Maticha
University of Zimbabwe Student
For the past two years, I have learnt that, we must never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God. It was within that period when this university journey was made possible by CG Msipa Trust with such a magnificent financial support and dedication in making my dream a reality. I am humbled and thankful to be a recipient of this most gracious and prestigious Foundation
The trust`s generosity has inspired, taught me to help others and eventually give back to the community at large. This honor will never go unnoticed to me and my family for the trust has lightened my family’s financial burden which allows me to focus more on my studies.
I want to convey my heartfelt gratitude to the Foundation who work tirelessly to make the world a better place for individuals like me
Bevern Zezai
Midlands State University Student


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Harare, Zimbabwe


+263 78 790 5430
+263 78 354 4811

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Monday/Friday: 9am to 4pm